Tips and Precautions for Using the Mimofpet wireless dog fence

Once you have acquired a Pet Electronic Fence and Dog Trainer 2-in-1, proper usage and adhering to certain precautions will enable you to maximize its effectiveness while keeping your pet safe and comfortable.

Usage Tips

When using it for the first time, it's advisable to start with a smaller fenced area to allow your pet to get accustomed to it gradually. Then, expand the range based on their behavior. Additionally, you can employ a rewards system to reinforce positive behavior when your pet stays within the designated area.

Regularly check the battery life and signal strength of the device to ensure it's functioning optimally. If you notice any signal instability, adjust the device's position or replace the battery promptly.


When installing the electronic fence, avoid areas with potential signal interference such as large metal objects or power poles. Also, ensure there are no obstacles along the fence boundary to prevent your pet from getting injured while crossing.

It's important to note that every pet has a different adaptability. Some pets might feel scared or anxious about the electronic fence signal. In such cases, don't force the usage but instead, be patient and guide them gently.

Also, don't rely solely on the electronic fence. Regular training and showing affection to your pet are equally important.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can pets break through the electronic fence?
A: Under normal circumstances, if the device is functioning properly and set up correctly, it's highly unlikely for pets to break through. However, in case of device malfunction or improper setup, it might occur.

Q: Does the electronic fence have any impact on the pet's health?
A: Reputable products undergo rigorous testing and shouldn't have any adverse effects on your pet's health. But if your pet has specific health concerns, it's advisable to consult a veterinarian before using it.

Proper usage of the Pet Electronic Fence and Dog Trainer 2-in-1 will lead to a more harmonious and enjoyable life with your pet.

Hope the above information is helpful to you. Have a great time with your furry friend!